Dr. Fenning is beginning her presidency of Division 33 (Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities and Autism Spectrum Disorder) of the American Psychological Association. Click here to be taken to the Division 33 leadership page and explore the site for information on all the great work that this group is doing!
Drs. Fenning & Baker present on Autism in Sweden!
Drs. Fenning and Baker will each be presenting at the International Society for Autism Research’s 2023 Annual Conference in Stockholm, Sweden! Dr. Fenning will present on their collaboration with Loma Linda University involving a randomized controlled trial of mindfulness-based stress reduction for children with autism and Dr. Baker will present on their work identifying correlates of emotion dysregulation in young children with ASD. Their talks will be part of the Thursday Symposium entitled, “Social Cognition & Social Behavior - Parent-Child Dynamics and Emotion Regulation in Families of Autistic Children.”
New Study by Drs. Fenning and Baker (and recent intern Hillary Schiltz) is spotlighted in "Spectrum News!"
“Autistic children’s sleep challenges appear to correlate with measures of arousal and reactivity involving respiratory sinus arrhythmia — changes in heart rate that accompany breathing, according to a small study.” Autism Research
Listen to Dr. Fenning discuss a study She conducted with the Autism Treatment Network on the prestigious Autism Science Foundation Podcast!
From the Podcast Summary: Parents or caregivers of children with ASD sometimes have a lot of difficulty helping their child brush their teeth. Parents and caregivers of children not on the spectrum have difficulty helping their child brush their teeth. By working with families on an individual level, coaching, encouraging and breaking down each of the steps of tooth brushing into something manageable, a group of Medicaid-eligible parents helped their children learn these skills on some level by the end of the study. Incredibly, 93% of parents who are trying to do it all with less, stayed in the program and felt more confident about their abilities. This study also used a randomized clinical trial design which compared the training and coaching with just those who got some toothbrushes and toothpastes in the mail. In this week’s #ASFpodcast, you get to hear from the leaders and the therapists who helped these families, what they did, and what worked. Join me with Dr. Eric Butter, Kelly Birmingham and Dr. Rachel Fenning to hear more about this study
Read Dr. Baker's President's Welcome on the APA Division 33 Website!
Dr. Baker begins his term as President of APA's Division 33!
Dr. Baker has started his term as President of Division 33 of the American Psychological Association, a professional group dedicated to research, service, and education in the areas of intellectual/developmental disabilities and autism spectrum disorder. Find out more about this organization at: http://www.division33.org/
Our Research Highlighted by CSUF!
Drs. Baker and Fenning’s federally-funded research on emotion regulation, autism, and family process was one of only five university research projects highlighted in the recent report by California State University, Fullerton!
Dr. Fenning leads a recent scientific paper from the national Autism Treatment Network!
Dr. Fenning led a recent paper with the national Autism Treatment Network (ATN) evaluating access to proper dental care for children with ASD. They found that children served by the ATN received services on par with the national average, BUT that children in the ATN who scored lower in intellectual functioning (i.e., those with intellectual disability) were considerably underserved and at high risk.
Dr. Baker awarded Fellow Status from the American Psychological Association!
Dr. Baker was recently awarded Fellow status from Division 33 of the American Psychological Association.
Fellow status is an honor bestowed upon APA members who have shown evidence of unusual and outstanding contributions or performance in the field of psychology. Fellow status requires that a person's work has had a national impact on the field of psychology beyond a local, state or regional level.
Drs. Baker and Fenning in the American Psychological Association!
Check out the official newsletter of Division 33 (IDD/ASD) of the American Psychological Association to see what Drs. Fenning and Baker have been up to with this group! Dr. Baker has been elected President-Elect-Designate for the Division and Dr. Fenning has been elected Member-at-Large. The newsletter also discusses our work updating the APA definition of ASD and producing the official podcast, ACCESS Division 33!
Dr. Baker recognized for excellence in teaching!
OC Register Article about our Research!
Click here for a link to an OC Register article highlighting a recent grant awarded to Drs. Baker and Fenning from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)!